The human body is programmed to be awake during the light of daytime, and asleep during the darkness of the night. This is due to a chemical process in our bodies – it starts when the light penetrates our retinas signaling to our brain that it must stop producing melatonin, the hormone that makes us tired and drowsy. Opposite, when the surroundings are dark, the brain increases the production of melatonin, so that we can get a good night’s rest.
Before the invention of artificial light, people’s circadian rhythm was mostly following the sun, however nowadays, artificial light has a significant impact on the sleeping habits of the modern human being. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) state that exposure to blue light, hereunder white light, can make it difficult for us to fall and stay asleep.
What is Blue Light?
Blue light is a part of the visible light spectrum the human eye can see, better known as colors. The different colors give off different energy and are known to affect us in different ways. Blue light is the most energetic radiation, known for boosting people’s attention, reaction times and mood. About one-third of all visible light falls under the category of high-visible light, which is what we call “blue light” – in other words, it’s not only blue color itself but all shades of blues like indigo, purple, turquoise etc.
Sunlight is the most significant source of blue light, however with the digital age, our exposure of blue light has dramatically increased and we are finally becoming more aware of the way our digital screens are affecting us negatively. Luckily, the knowledge and awareness has finally reached us, and we are ready to prioritize the needs of our health.

Digitalized World
But where does all this excessive blue light come from? The answer is simple; it is everywhere. From the screens of our TVs, computers, smart phones, and tablets, to light bulbs, LEDs and of course still, the sun. With all this blue light exposure, our brains are constantly told to be awake and alert, even when the clocks tick till bedtime. Most of us have the habit of working late, watching TV during the evenings, or scrolling through our phones before going to sleep. These habits are all affecting our circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep as well as decreasing the sleep quality. Nevertheless, there are a great variety of ways to reduce your exposure to blue light, and we are here to help you out!
from Blue Light?
It is recommended to reduce the amount of hours spent in front of screens, especially during the evening and nighttime. It is also helpful to adjust the settings on your devices to change their color display during late hours, so that they radiate less blue light in this period. However, reducing screen time isn’t the easiest thing to do, and that is why a lot of people opt for blue light filter glasses instead. It is an easy and inexpensive way to protect your eyes and your body from the negative effects of the blue light radiation, and are even recommended by Harvard Researchers. They state that blue light glasses have health effects such as improved sleep cycles and quality of sleep, better focus and reduced headaches.

from Luxreaders
At Luxreaders we are proud to provide you with cheap, high-quality blue light glasses. On our website we refer to them as blue light glasses, but they are in fact also known as screen glasses, working glasses or computer glasses. You can use them anywhere and anytime, not only when sitting on the computer, but also when watching TV, being on your phone or just in your everyday life. If you find it hard to choose your favorite style, you can always choose 3 pairs for €69. You can also combine them with sunglasses so that you make sure to protect your eyes from the sun as well.