Ugoden skandinavski dizajn
3 Essential glasses €69
3 Premium glasses €119
Includes shipping and 100-day free returns
Virtualno pomerjanje očal
Zaslon spremenite v virtualno ogledalo in preizkusite očala na svojem obrazu. Pomagamo vam najti popoln par, ki ustreza vašemu osebnemu slogu.
Vodnik osebnega sloga
Naš prilagojen vodnik s slogom služi kot digitalni modni pomočnik, ki vas je pripravljen voditi skozi naše različne okvirje. Poiščite popoln par očal.
Očala, vaša pot
Spletni test vizije
Ali veste, katero moč potrebujete? Ponujamo prednosti, ki se začnejo z +1.00 in se gibljejo do +3,50. Preizkusite naš indikativni test spletnega vida, da ugotovite, kakšno moč objektiva potrebujete. Ne bo postalo lažje.
Očarljiv danski dizajn
Doživite vrhunski danski dizajn v vsakem paru naših očal. Naš neposredni pristop zagotavlja visoko kakovost po pošteni ceni, kar vam omogoča, da uživate v sodobnih slogih, ki se ujemajo z letnimi časi in trendi.
Naj kupci govorijo za nas
from 186 reviewsThe whole process is so quick, efficient and easy. My glasses arrived in good time and I’m delighted with them. I went for a different colour of frame with the computer blue screen protection and I love the shade it gives my eyes. Glasses are comfortable and well constructed. Overall very happy with my choice of company and my glasses.
I had a Cateracts operation to one eye that levelled the same as other eye. Because both eyes are the same now I ordered your glasses as I thought very good value for money and they are perfect and well made.
I am so happy with my reading glasses - from the virtual try on to the efficient delivery service, the process of ordering couldn’t have been easier. The glasses are stylish and comfortable to wear and, especially for the quality of the product, great value for money.
I am elderly person. Recent eye surgery. Awaiting 6 weeks for results. Previous glasses had prisms. Needed magnification to read. The Luxreaders have solved my problem.
Very easy to use the site and select the best glasses for me. My order was despatched promptly and I was kept fully informed of its progress.
Very pleased with quality of the glasses. Bought 3 pairs and at £20 each it is excellent value. Took a while to get to UK but good tracking. Seemed to be held in customs for few days.
My Evans Light Tortoise have just arrived and I'm absolutely thrilled with them. The quality is absolutely amazing - really, it is - and the service is second to none; despite being shipped from Denmark.
I bought three pairs of blue light filtering glasses with corrective lenses.
These are easily the best glasses I’ve bought for reading off my phone.
Very pleased with the quality of the glasses and the carry cases.
Would definitely buy from Luxreaders again.
Great product at a great price. Delivery was on time. Fantastic range of glasses in so many different styles and colours. Have bought from them before and will continue to do so in future. Would definitely recommend
The red in the pictures of the frames was a much more vibrant colour than the frames I received!
Plus the Width were same as frames I’ve already bought but when they have arrived they are narrower and so I will likely not wear these. The cost of return is prohibitive so I’m stuck with them!
I like luxreaders as a company and process wise but this time the advert and product differ! For me anyway!
They are just perfect reading glasses and nice and cool. Great concept and a scoop for the price
Super nice glasses in nice quality :-)
Really nice, as nice as a pair for several thousand kr.
Strength quite ok.
Luxreaders - Odličen slog ne sme biti dragocen
Izzivamo pravila na drobno, da vam prinašajo oblikovalsko kakovost za nižje cene. Preprosto je, prerezali smo vse nepotrebne posrednike, da bi vam prinesli razkošjeBranje očal Od samo 35 €! In za tiste, ki se ne morejo odločiti - dobite 3 pare za 69 €, zato se vam nikoli več ne bi smeli poravnati. Naše leče se gibljejo od +1 do +3,5 in če ste kdaj v dvomihindikativna vizija Preizkusite in dobite priporočilo v nekaj minutah.
Prihodnost je cenovno ugodna pristna očala
Prevečji blagovni znamki si nihče ne more privoščiti in poceni smeti, ki jih nihče ne potrebuje starodavna zgodovina. Čas je, da sprejmete kakovostno branje očal naravnost od ustvarjanja do vas neposredne. Naše enostavne digitalne funkcije pomagajo pri prilagajanju vaše spletne izkušnje, tako da lahko najdete točno tisto, kar potrebujete. Poskusite z več kozarci, kot bi lahko imela katera koli trgovina z našimiVirtualni poskus in zožite svoje najboljše možnosti z našimiVodnik sloga.
Narediti neizogibno zaželeno
Naša strast do avtentičnega skandinavskega dizajna nas navdihuje, da presegamo in združujemo nove trende s klasičnimi slogi. Prava izdelava je izražena v naši ponudbi brezčasnih bralnih očal, tonirasončna očala In seveda naša tehnologijamodra luč zbirka. In v primeru, da se sprašujete, so vsa naša sončna očala in modra očala na voljo kot standardni pari ali z +1 do +3,5 moč. Prepustite se klasičnim dizajnom, ki so se uresničile skozi okrogle in ikonične oblike do sodobnih zasukov kvadratnih in pravokotnih okvirjev, ki premostijo glamur in udobje.
Cenite se z nošenjem Luxreaders, ker niso "samo" branje očal.