the do's and don'ts

How to clean your glasses

Naturally, when wearing your glasses with or without strength a lot, they will get dirty and are exposed to dust, dirt or even the natural elements and they can leave their mark on your designer eyewear. Glasses are delicate vision corrective devices or accessories and they need to be cleaned thoroughly in order for you to make the most of them. But, how can you clean your glasses properly and what should you NOT do?

5 simple steps to (deep) clean your glasses

1. Wash your own hands properly: otherwise you risk getting your recently cleaned glasses dirty again or leave persistent residue where you actually wanted to remove it

2. Rinse your glasses with lukewarm water: for example from your tab at home, don’t use too much water pressure as to not risk damages to you eyeglasses

3. Use a little dishwashing soap: use your (clean) fingers to gently massage it on the lenses and the frame of your reading glasses, blue light glasses or even sunglasses.

4. Rinse your eyeglasses again: to remove the soapy foam and residual dirt that was loosened from your reading glasses

5. Dry your glasses: using a lint- and dirt-free towel, preferably only use microfiber-cloths, as they are gentle on your precious designer reading glasses.

Additionally, you could use some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel to clean the nose pads and ear holders for the most thorough cleaning, but make sure to not use it on the rest of the frame and lenses.

How can I clean my eyeglasses on the go?

If you are not able to reach a tab or mild dishwashing soap, it is recommended to have a small cleaning kit with you, containing eyeglass cleaner and a microfiber cleaning cloth, for when you're out and about. That way you can remove loose dirt and streaks when you don’t have the proper materials for a deeper eyeglasses cleanse on hand. Microfiber cloths are gentle on the lenses and that way you don’t risk further streaking or scratches on the eyeglass lenses.

What materials can I use to clean my glasses?

The best materials to use for cleaning your glasses with or without strength are ones that are mild on the lenses but still ensure a clean job on your spectacles. 

For example:

- mild dish soap for the lenses and frames

- lens sprays

- a microfiber cloth for streak free lenses

are all gentle on the frames and lenses and will ensure clean and longlasting glasses, even on a budget, as well as make sure that there are no damages to the lense, so that you can keep your vision sharp for a long, long time.

What should I not use to clean my glasses?

Now that you know what the “do’s” are when cleaning your glasses, it seems applicable to also know how NOT to clean your glasses, to ensure longevity of your frames and lenses, as well as making sure that you can see through your glasses and the vision doesn’t get more obstructed.

do not use


We have all had the urge to just use the clothing we were wearing to clean the lenses of our reading glasses, haven’t we? But while it may seem easy and convenient, you actually risk getting more streaks and dirt on your glasses and seeing even less, as clothing can have lint, dust and other dirt stuck to it. If there is dust, debris or other rougher dirt stuck to it, you risk scratching your eyeglass lenses and that is the last thing you want to do if you want to continue using your eyewear to see properly.

Do not use

Napkins, tissues, paper towels

Similarly, when you're on the go, you might only have a tissue or napkin at your disposal. While this may seem like a good and clean option to clean your glasses with, refrain from using these materials. Paper materials like these can also leave lint behind but even worse, while you think they are soft to the touch, they can scratch your precious lenses of your reading glasses nonetheless.

Do not use

Household glass cleaners

Some of the household glass cleaners that you would use for your windows or mirror are actually too aggressive to your delicate eyewear lenses and while they seem like they surely clean “glasses”, they might actually leave lasting damage or damage the reading glasses , especially reading glasses with anti-scratch coating. Not to mention, that having aggressive chemical residue, like in some of these cleaners, is not good to have close to your eyes and conjunctiva.

Do not

Use sprays when wearing your glasses

Using perfumes, hair sprays or other sprays of this kind can also leave residue on your glasses that builds up quickly, not to mention, they might also react with the protective coating of your lense. So, make sure to briefly take your glasses off and store them a bit away when putting on perfume or hairspray.

The right storage

The right storage of your eyewear can be equally as helpful to keeping the glasses clean, as the actual cleaning process.

What is the best way to store my eyeglasses?

Avoid leaving the glasses, where there are fumes, air pollutants or general sprays around. This means, leaving your glasses open in the kitchen or the bathroom for a longer time can result in build-up of grime and dirt from splatters, sprays or beauty products like hair spray, perfumes and lotions specifically, which will make it hard to see through your lenses and are harder to clean later on.

Especially for your glasses that you are not wearing all the time, like sunglasses with strength, make sure to store them appropriately to help keep them clean in between wears. The same applies to your blue light glasses with or without strength if you are not wearing them. 

The best way to store your glasses is in a hard-shell case or other full-coverage cases to keep dust and dirt from accumulating on your designer eyewear. Hard-shell cases offer the additional advantage of protecting your glasses from blunt-force damages.

Buy 3 pairs for 69€ now, to make life (and individual cleaning) easier!